
Decades back MOTION magazine was originated, edited and published by PETER EVANCHUCK with the invaluable assistance of James McLarty, Grant Patterson, Claudia Wittgens, Graeme Box and Anika Turk - MOTION covered exclusively CANADIAN FILM, THEATRE and TV and for almost ten years was and perhaps still is the only publication of its sort. Evanchuck, now in his elder years, intends to gather all issues, scan them and make them avialable to all interested persons - MOTION is a vital part of Canada's History and shouldn't be forgotten, Stay tuned.... more coming sooner than later...

BELOW is a taste of what each issue contains and a short excerpt from these historic articles::

Thursday, 8 December 2011


In This Issue  :  Janis The Way She Was ( Producer Budge Crawley talks about the making of 'Janis' )  :  In Conversation with Larry D. Mann  :  Michel Brault ( Interview & Filmography )  :  Pacificanada ( The Elusive Canadian Culture )  :  Book Shelf  :  It's Technical  :  Canadian Film At Filmexpo ( Ottawa's 3rd Film Festival )  :  Canada In Belgium ( 5th International Experimental Film Festival )  :  Filming Isn't Writing ( Brault's Cinema Direct )  :  L'Aventure Du Cinema Direct et Les Ordres  :  Spry & Brault ( Deux Facons De Montrer La Crise D'Octobre 1970 )  :  Robin Spry ( Filmography & The October Crisis )  :  Vancouver Scene  :  Calgary Round-Up  :  Canadian Filmview  :  A Better Fate ( Loving Our Theater )  :  Ottawa Mentions  :  Show Bits  :  Classifieds

articles by:  Jan ice Atnikov, Anne M. Evanchuck, Nancy Borsa, Michael Rhodes, Tom Hilliard, Ian McBride, Richard Plantagenet, Anthony Maulucci, Jean Pierre Begin, Martin Delisle, P.M.Evanchuck, Marta Farevaag, Mary M.Oman, Nat Shuster, Lynn Slotkin, Tony Lofaro



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